Get the extensionAttribute attribute value for all Active Directory users using PowerShell


How do I return the sAMAccountName and a particular attribute – in this case extensionAttribute1 for all Active Directory users in PowerShell


Run the below command:

Get-ADUser -Properties extensionAttribute1 -Filter * | Select sAMAccountName, extensionAttribute1 | export-csv c:\temp\extensionattribute1.csv 

6 Replies to “Get the extensionAttribute attribute value for all Active Directory users using PowerShell”

  1. Works like a charm. Many thanks man. We wanted to obtain a list of all Executives. Now we use this command, export it into Excel and sort it . Done.

    1. Derek

      Yes, by using the -SearchBase parameter.

      First you need the Distinguished Name (DN) of the OU you want to specify. To get a list of all of your OUs with PowerShell:

      $OUs = Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter *
      $OUs | Format-Table Name,DistinguishedName

      Or you can right-click on the OU you want in AD Users and Computers , choose properties then, in the Attribute Editor tab, double-click on distinguishedName from where you can copy it to the clipboard.

      Now that you’ve got the DN, you can use it in the Get-ADUser cmdlet like so:

      get-aduser -SearchBase “OU=Users,OU=Marketing,DC=yourdomain,DC=int” -filter *

      Or, if you’ve assigned the OU’s DN to a variable called $OU with


      like so…
      get-aduser -SearchBase $ou -filter *

      (by the way, the -SearchBase parameter can be used with Get-ADOrganizationalUnit as well)


  2. Hi there,

    I have a list of users in a csv and I want to add an extra column with extensionAttribute1. How do I go about that using import-csv / export-csv ?


  3. Hi there,
    Do you know a way to populate multiple users from different OU with an extension attribute please ?

  4. I found my answer minutes ago, 🙂
    If it can helps :

    csv looks like :

    then :
    Import-Csv -Path “C:\temp\fr\testattribute.csv” |
    ForEach-Object {
    Set-ADUser $_.Name -add @{
    ExtensionAttribute5 = “$($_.ExtensionAttribute5)”


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