How do I seize the Active Directory Roles from a failed Domain Controller?

Your Active Directory Domain Controller has failed and it held FSMO or Flexible Single Master of Operations roles.

I’m certain that any System Administrator you ask will have been here at some point in their career.  A Domain Controller has failed and is beyond repair, we have a backup domain controller or built a new one but now need to transfer the FSMO roles over.  This is how you do it:

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Getting to know the get-messagetrackinglog command in Microsoft Exchange

I recently spent some time at a client that was asking for various pieces of information from their Microsoft Exchange server.   Most of what they wanted was quickly and easily accessible through the Exchange PowerShell commandlet get-messagetrackinglog.

First up was a simple command to show all entries from the message tracking log where the recipient of the email was For this I used:

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Use the Windows 10 Subsystem for Linux

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said “Microsoft loves Linux.”

Microsoft Loves Linux?

If using Linux within your Microsoft operating system has been something that you have always dreamed of then you may be pleased with this feature.  Microsoft has made a number of Linux distros available within the Windows store that enable you to use a bash terminal window.

Continue reading “Use the Windows 10 Subsystem for Linux”