Step by Step Guide to Creating a comprehensive PRTG Enterprise Monitoring System

I have been using my implementation of the PRTG monitoring system now for some time and for a large number of clients.  The system is inexpensive and works extremely well.  What I like most about it is its flexibility and ability to be customised heavily according to your needs.  Here is my guide to setting up a PRTG monitoring server to monitor all the typical enterprise systems including: AD, Exchange, DFS, Network equipment and more.

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Output AD User information including all groups in Powershell

To get a user report including all of the groups that each user is a member of use:

Import-module activedirectory
Get-AdUser -Filter * -Properties * | select DisplayName, Title, Department, Manager, @{N=Groups’; E={$($_.Memberof)}} | Export-csv "c:\temp\UsersandGroups.csv" -nti