Troubleshooting Fileservers at capacity or with limited space and clearing large, old files

Recently I had to find a fast way of clearing space on a fileserver that was literally at bursting point, the 2TB disk had just 100MB free space remaining.  I needed a way to identify the large, old files quickly so that I could then check with the file owners that they could be deleted.

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How do I seize the Active Directory Roles from a failed Domain Controller?


Your Active Directory Domain Controller has failed and it held FSMO or Flexible Single Master of Operations roles.

I’m certain that any System Administrator you ask will have been here at some point in their career.  A Domain Controller has failed and is beyond repair, we have a backup domain controller or built a new one but now need to transfer the FSMO roles over.  This is how you do it:

Continue reading “How do I seize the Active Directory Roles from a failed Domain Controller?”

How do I make a bootable USB flash drive with Windows on it?

This is a pretty simple one, for those of you that have a volume licence subscription or other method of downloading Microsoft .iso files with complete installers on them – this is how to make a bootable USB flash drive from them.

Continue reading “How do I make a bootable USB flash drive with Windows on it?”