Excel Substitute Formula with examples


In column A I have a list of email addresses, I want to put these into column B but in the same cell I want to add another line with a new email address – based on everything before the domain of old email address.

So basically I want to substitute everything with the original text string with my new text string.


I want the following result to appear from a standard list of email addresses in column A.  So when finished column B should appear as the below:

To do this we use the formula:

=A1 & ” ” & SUBSTITUTE(A1,”domain”,”newcompany”)

I then want to add a prefix to the new email address so that it appears as below:

To do this we edit the formula as below:

=A1 & CHAR(10) & “new_” & SUBSTITUTE(A1,”domain”,”newcompany”)

Lastly we need to click wrap text, so that the email addresses appear on different lines.

We can then edit the formula to only apply to blank cells:

=IF(A1 <>””,(A1 & CHAR(10) & “new_” & SUBSTITUTE(A1,”domain.com”,”newcompany.com”)),””)

Essentially everything highlighted between the brackets is where we could put any formula and this would only apply to blank cells

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