Connect to Office 365 via PowerShell

I have posted on this before but Microsoft has updated the method so I’ll update on here too.  To connect your Office 365 instance to PowerShell the process is outlined here. When trying this you may get the error ‘The specified module ‘MSOnline’ was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory.’ The below steps show you how to overcome this.  Using the below commands you will also be able to connect to Exchange Online using PowerShell.

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Use PowerShell to list and export all updates from a Windows machine

Sometimes when trying to find particular updates and troubleshoot Windows update problems you need to be able to manipulate the update data.  Using the ‘installed updates’ applet is not always practical.  I use the below script to give me a .csv files with all updates installed on a machine.

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Use PowerShell to get a list of installed software from remote computers

This is just a quick reference for anyone trying to quickly pull off a list of installed software from a remote machine.  You will need the remote registry service (you can start this remotely from the services console) and WMI service running on the remote machine.

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Troubleshooting Fileservers at capacity or with limited space and clearing large, old files

Recently I had to find a fast way of clearing space on a fileserver that was literally at bursting point, the 2TB disk had just 100MB free space remaining.  I needed a way to identify the large, old files quickly so that I could then check with the file owners that they could be deleted.

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Getting to know the get-messagetrackinglog command in Microsoft Exchange


I recently spent some time at a client that was asking for various pieces of information from their Microsoft Exchange server.   Most of what they wanted was quickly and easily accessible through the Exchange PowerShell commandlet get-messagetrackinglog.

First up was a simple command to show all entries from the message tracking log where the recipient of the email was For this I used:

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