Create a Standalone Certificate Authority in Windows Server 2016

In this post I will go over what is required to setup a Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standalone Certificate Authority.  I will not be using this Certificate Authority with Microsoft Active Directory.

First build a Windows 2016 Server (see here for notes on how to do this).  Then login and go to the Server Manager.  Click Manage> Add Roles and Features.

Select the Active Directory Certificate Services role and then click Add Features when prompted.  Then click Next, Next, Next.

Create a Standalone Certificate Authority in Windows Server 2016

If you are integrating this CA with Active Directory you can select additional services such as Web Enrollment.  However for the purposes of this exercise we are just creating a basic CA that can be used independently of AD.  Select Certification Authority and click Next.

Create a Standalone Certificate Authority in Windows Server 2016-1

Then click Install

Create a Standalone Certificate Authority in Windows Server 2016-3

Once the install has completed click Close

Create a Standalone Certificate Authority in Windows Server 2016-4

In Server Manager click Configure Active Directory Certificate Services

Create a Standalone Certificate Authority in Windows Server 2016-5

Specify the credentials of an admin account on the server and click Next

Create a Standalone Certificate Authority in Windows Server 2016-6

Select Certificate Authority and click Next

Create a Standalone Certificate Authority in Windows Server 2016-7

Accept the selection of Standalone CA and click Next

Create a Standalone Certificate Authority in Windows Server 2016-8

Select Root CA and click Next

Create a Standalone Certificate Authority in Windows Server 2016-9

Select create and new private key and click Next

Create a Standalone Certificate Authority in Windows Server 2016-10

Ensure your settings match the below and click Next

Create a Standalone Certificate Authority in Windows Server 2016-11

Give your CA a common name or just accept the defaults then click Next

Create a Standalone Certificate Authority in Windows Server 2016-12

Leave the default validity period and click Next

Create a Standalone Certificate Authority in Windows Server 2016-13

Leave the database locations as the defaults and click Next

Create a Standalone Certificate Authority in Windows Server 2016-14

Click Configure

Create a Standalone Certificate Authority in Windows Server 2016-15

Click Close when done

Create a Standalone Certificate Authority in Windows Server 2016-16

You can now open the Certificate Authority mmc and start issuing certificates



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