Add multiple users to multiple groups in AD using PowerShell

I needed to add multiple users all in the same OU to multiple different groups using PowerShell

Run the below PowerShell commands (substituting the OU and Group names for your own ones)

Get-ADUser -SearchBase OU=Users,OU=Robnet,DC=robnet,DC=local -Filter * | % {Add-ADGroupMember -Identity Script Test Group -Members $_ } 

Get-ADUser -SearchBase OU=Users,OU=Robnet,DC=robnet,DC=local -Filter * | % {Add-ADGroupMember -Identity Script Test Group2 -Members $_ } 

Get-ADUser -SearchBase OU=Users,OU=Robnet,DC=robnet,DC=local -Filter * | % {Add-ADGroupMember -Identity Script Test Group3 -Members $_ } 


The best way to get the syntax for you OU is to copy it from adsiedit as below:

Add multiple users to multiple groups in AD

Thanks to one of my readers, Ryan Chau for improving on my code for this process:

# Put user out side like this
 $Users = @("Ryan Chau","Robin Clarke")

# OR you can put it in a txt file, your choice
 # $Users = Get-Content "B:\users.txt"

$Groups = Get-Content "B:\Groups.txt"
foreach ($User in $Users){
 foreach ($Group in $Groups)
 $Sam = (Get-ADUser -Filter {Name -like $User}).SamAccountName
 write-host "Added $User ID: $Sam to $Group"
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Members $Sam

4 Replies to “Add multiple users to multiple groups in AD using PowerShell”

  1. Robin –
    Great blog. This is Ryan from Toronto. I just want to add my 2 cent and hope that help few IT mates out there. Nothing wrong with your command, you just add 1 user to multiple groups with that command btw. But I’ve using scripting for this kind of request for a while. “Multiple Users to Multiple Groups.”

    # Put user out side like this
    $Users = @(“Ryan Chau”,”Robin Clarke”)

    # OR you can put it in a txt file, your choice
    # $Users = Get-Content “B:\users.txt”

    $Groups = Get-Content “B:\Groups.txt”
    foreach ($User in $Users){
    foreach ($Group in $Groups)
    $Sam = (Get-ADUser -Filter {Name -like $User}).SamAccountName
    write-host “Added $User ID: $Sam to $Group”
    Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Members $Sam

    Have a good day,
    Ryan Chau

  2. I modified Ryan’s script a bit to select users based on OU:
    #–Define variables–
    #Set OU
    $userou = “OU=Training,OU=Company,OU=Employees,DC=contonso,DC=local”
    #Read users from OU
    $Users = Get-ADUser -SearchBase $userou -Filter *
    #Set source file with groups, 1 group per line
    $GroupsSourcefile = “\\server.contoso.local\share$\Groups.txt”

    #Add users to groups
    $Groups = Get-Content $GroupsSourcefile
    foreach ($User in $Users){
    foreach ($Group in $Groups)
    write-host “Added $User ID: $Sam to $Group”
    Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $Group -Members $User

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