Appliance (OS) root password is expired or is going to expire soon. Please change the root password before installing an update.


Using the VAMI you get the error ‘Appliance (OS) root password is expired or is going to expire soon. Please change the root password before installing an update.’

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Updating vCenter 6.7 using the VAMI interface

This is a quick post to walk through an update of the vCenter VCSA appliance using the VAMI.  The vCenter Server Appliance Management Interface (VAMI) is the administration Web interface for the vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA), and is used to perform basic administrative tasks such as updates

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QNAP Critical Advisory to prevent data corruption

The bug was discovered by Wayne Small – an IT professional from Australia

QNAP has released a critical update for a number of its systems here.  The discovery was made by an Australian IT professional named Wayne Small.  Small runs the website SBSFaq which is a resource for small and medium business IT professionals.

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