Excel COUNT COUNTIF and COUNTIFS Functions with examples

Here are a variety of Microsoft Excel COUNT COUNTIF and COUNTIFS functions with examples for various scenarios.


In its most basic form this COUNTIF formula will simply give a total count of cells A2 to A112 if they have anything at all in them:



The COUNTIFS function allows you to get a total count based on certain criteria.  The syntax is:

=COUNTIFS (range1, criteria1, [range2], [criteria2], …)

For example the below gives me a total count if there is:

1. Anything in Column A

2. Column D does not contain the word ‘True’

3. The dates in column C are all after 07/12/2015

The name of the worksheet is ‘Userlogontimes’



The below command here will give me a total count if:

1. There is anything in column C

2. Column A does not equal the term ‘SharedMailbox’

The name of the worksheet is ‘Exchange’


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